Family Game Night
Fun for the whole family.
Bring your family and friends, potluck dishes, and favorite games to share.
Sponsored by Women’s Ministry
Fun for the whole family.
Bring your family and friends, potluck dishes, and favorite games to share.
Sponsored by Women’s Ministry
Ladies dinner out at Chilis. Bring your friends for a night of fellowship.
Speaking: Michael Pigg and Music: Clay Milford
Check with Peyton for First Church details.
7:30 p.m. to 8:45 pm - Registration in Commons
9 pm - Service #1 at BFC
Friday Competitions with Service #2 from 7 to 8:45 pm at BFC
Saturday Competition Day 2 with Service #3 from7 to 9 pm at BFC
Enjoy a delicious Breakfast, challenging message and time of prayer with your brothers in Christ!
Come join the men of First Church as we endeavor to be men who live by faith, hope and charity in every area of our lives!
Community Easter Egg Hunt following Easter morning worship - around 11:30-11:45 am. Please join us for worship as we celebrate Jesus!!
Bring your friends and neighbors. Children ages through 6th grade. Egg hunt will begin in the Family Life Center (gym) with instructions.
Over 2000 candy filled eggs.
Calling all adults! Join us on February 14, at 11:30, in the Not Normal Classroom for a time of fellowship and worship. Bring a side dish to share for lunch together.
Join us for lunch at La Huerta downtown on Garrison Ave.
Valentine themed Wednesday kids night. John 3:16 will be our focus. Party games and lesson.
The youth are sponsoring a dessert auction during the Souper Bowl lunch.
The funds raised will support the youth group activities like camp and Extravaganza.
Bring a dessert. Buy a dessert.
Women’s ministries is sponsoring a fellowship dinner after the morning worship in the FLC. Sign-up in the foyer if you would like to contribute to the meal.
Enjoy a delicious Breakfast, challenging message and time of prayer with your brothers in Christ!
Come join the men of First Church as we endeavor to be men who live by faith, hope and charity in every area of our lives!
Let’s welcome little boy LePage, due January 27th, to Terra' Stanton’s daughter Dakota. A table will be set up in the foyer for gifts.
Join us for food and celebration of Pastor Wayne and Robin as they retire from full-time pastoral ministry. Let the Adventure Begin!
Plan to spend the afternoon with the youth group. Check with Peyton for details.
Meet at the church to go Christmas caroling.
Meet at the church to go Christmas caroling - need details - contact Vasti.
Annual party for our Wednesday night kids club. Pizza - Crafts - Games
If you would like to volunteer, please let Shelly know. Text me at 479-414-7790
You don’t want to miss this Christmas musical celebration with the amazing Don Bailey. Soup fellowship to follow service.
Youth and children Christmas program & Christmas Choir.
Rehearsal and Party for Kids and Wildfire Youth
Calling all adults to meet together for dinner at Calico County. Let’s fellowship together but no gifts, please.
Where: Not Normal Classroom - Main Building
Menu: Chili and Cornbread
Bring an ornament for a gift exchange.
Everyone invited.
Let’s decorate the church for Christmas.
Join us for food and fellowship celebrating Thanksgiving with your church family. Bring a vegetable, salad and dessert to share. Turkey and Dressing provided.
Kamari and Madeline are getting married November 26. Let’s celebrate this new family by showering them with love and prayers. Maddi and Kamari are registered at Walmart and Amazon.
Join us to celebrate baby boy Lairamore.
Free community event with lots of candy and carnival games.
Fun for the whole family
Doors open at 6pm.
It’s one night of worship and it’s one night that we can come together to give God ALL the Praise & Glory! We have an awesome guest speaker lined up named Ray Perryman with ShortRound Ministries and a top notch worship band! I’ve heard rumors of a steel guitar and a fiddle! Here’s what we can do as a community to prepare for this night:
• Mark your calendars for Oct 26th @ 6pm
• Share this flyer!
• Pray in advance for God to prepare the hearts of the people that will be attending!
• Then just show up ready to worship!
It’s that simple!
There will be seats in the dirt along with full stadium seating available all FREE! Let’s fill up Harper Stadium from the dirt level to the top of the bleachers!
Costumes, Cook-out, Fun!
Join us for taco night with fun and fellowship together. We will also be assembling crisis care kits.
Celebrating a new little baby girl.
Not Normal Classroom in the main building.
The women’s council is collecting miniature candy bars for the staff at Sunnymede.
Enjoy a delicious Breakfast, challenging message and time of prayer with your brothers in Christ!
Come join the men of First Church as we endeavor to be men who live by faith, hope and charity in every area of our lives!
“Come Away, My Beloved” with Julie Branstetter
Church van is leaving the church at 12:30 for Women’s Retreat.