Welcome to First Kids at Fort Smith First Church of the Nazarene. We are prepared and excited to minister to your family. Our church loves and supports children’s ministry in many ways. We work hard to provide solid Nazarene Biblical teaching, fun and engaging activities and a warm place to belong. We would love to meet you this week. Our volunteers have been screened and passed a background check for safety.
Children's Church
Children are dismissed during the offering to go to children's church.
Upcoming Kids Events
Join us for Family Camp Meeting with special speaker, Rev. Ava Laidler and her friends. You won’t want to miss this fun event for the whole family. All ages invited. Call the church office to arrange van pickup (in our neighborhood) 479-783-1878
Sunday School at 9:30
Family Life Center
1st - 5th Grades
Teachers: Vickie Jones/Ashley Lairamore
Pre-K & Kindergarten
Teachers: Linda Parker/Elizabeth Jones
Wednesday Night
First Kids Activities
Snack at 6:30
Bible Lessons & Activities
for K-5th Grade
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
Kingston Court Outreach with Robin Dawson and Christi Cummings!
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s promise to never flood the earth again.