"To make Christlike disciples in the nations" is the seven-word statement of mission for our 1.8 million member denomination. This mission is built on the Church of the Nazarene’s core values of being Christian, holiness, and missional.
While the primary motive of the church is to glorify God, the Board believes the church is also called to actively participate in His mission of reconciling the world to himself.
“The seven words in the statement of mission embody the historical essentials of Nazarene mission—evangelism, sanctification, discipleship, compassion, and equipping all who respond in faith,” noted Dr. Jerry Porter, general superintendent. “The essence of holiness is Christlikeness.”
“The Church of the Nazarene is blessed with some of the most dedicated disciples of any denomination. Our goal is to build on this strength,” Dr. Porter emphasized.
Dr. Jesse Middendorf, general superintendent, added, “We’re also moving from a ‘sending’ to a ‘sent’ church. The responsibility is to be a witness, helping make Christlike disciples, in whatever nation we happen to be. And missionaries are now sent from all regions of the world.”
February/September is Alabaster Offering. Join us together as we build HIS Kingdom!
What is Missionary Health Care, and why should I give to it?
Missionary Health Care (MHC) is an opportunity to help with the health care costs of Nazarene missionaries. MHC allows missionaries to focus on their work without raising funds to pay for medical care. The money comes from Distinguished Service Awards (DSAs), Memorial Rolls (MRs), Gifts from the Heart, or plate offerings.
What are the Distinguished Service Award and the Memorial Roll?
The Distinguished Service Award recognizes someone (living) who has served or is serving the church. It may be presented by the church or a group within the church (not individuals). The Memorial Roll is a record of people who have been memorialized by gifts to Missionary Health Care. It is kept online and is a significant way to honor the deceased (members of the local church or not) and may be presented by groups or individuals. Both of these honors are accompanied by attractive certificates stating the recipient and—in the case of a DSA—the reason for presentation
Mission Education
Knowledge is key to involvement. With an understanding of the needs of the world and what the church is doing to meet those needs, we are more likely to commit to the support of missions through prayer, giving, communication, and going.
Jesus Film Harvest Partners
The mission of JESUS Film Harvest Partners is "Sharing God's love with the lost to help fulfill the Great Commission."
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Church of the Nazarene ministry which partners with other Kingdom ministries to make Christ-like disciples in the nations.
World Mission Broadcast
The current World Mission Broadcast ministry statistics are:
34 Languages
2 Countries
140 Programs
Holiness programming, delivered over the airwaves, literally sends the message of Jesus's redeeming love around the world and listeners respond and they are won to Christ.
Our LINKs Missionaries
Meet Milton and Olga Gay! Milton is the Regional Evangelism and Jesus Film Coordinator for the Mesoamerica Region and Olga works as the NMI Coordinator and Financial Assistant for the North Central Field. They have two adult children, Alejandra Eunic and Milton Gerardo. They have a passion for equipping and developing new generations in leadership and also for church planting. Pray for them as they meet and mentor those that God is calling to ministry. Facebook >