Becoming Passionate Followers
This is a year-long task, but it won't just happen. We each must decide to become passionate followers of Jesus. Therefore, we will focus on the things I believe will ignite our passion for God, helping us become more like Jesus in every area of our lives.
The process and the tools that will be utilized to accomplished this task will be prayer, worship, Sunday School, discipleship, Small Groups and intentional serving with and for God.
We'll begin with the "Light the Fire" 14 Day Prayer Adventure. This prayer devotional written by a previous staff member and myself, is designed to stimulate our thinking and to draw us close to God. The amazing thing is that everyone of us will be doing the same prayer devotional, giving God a chance to get each of us focused on the same things.
The 14 Day Prayer focus will culminate with the beginning of our new worship series: IGNITE! - Starting Sunday January 13th. This series of messages will come from the book of Malachi, where we will learn the 7 Highly Passionate Habits of Followers of Christ. God will reveal to us the passions that will ignite the fire of His love in and through us.
But, it won't end there: We have planned two All-Church growth campaigns to help us sustain our passion for Jesus throughout the year..
40 Days in the Word: February 17 - March 26, 2013
What On Earth Am I Here For? - Oct. 6 - Nov. 10, 2013
Ultimately, we want to be transformed into highly passionate followers of Jesus. We want to be so much like Him that others want to become Christians because they see Jesus in our lives and personally know us.
I hope everyone of you will be part of this life-changing adventure and journey. I promise...You will never be the same again. And most's contagious! We will each possess the fire of God's love, which will sustain us through the year.