Family or Facebook...which will it be?
The Social Network movement has exploded. The stats are overwhelming. But, when all is said and done, are we really more connected, or are we losing the connection to what matters most?
Yes, we live in a day of social networking. You would think that would be a good thing, when in fact, it has become the culprit that is destroying the family unit. It isn't that social media and networking is a bad thing in and of it self, but it has become a substitute for real genuine personal face-to-face relationships. Can you imagine a God that only communicates through Ipads, cell-phones, computers, etc. How impersonal that would be. I mean we would never understand the dynamics involved in a personal relationship with the living God, let alone each other. Everything would be superficial and we would not be driven by affectionate love, but by mere artificial words. Can you imagine being married and the only way you communicated to your wife or family would be by mechanical means? How about your friends? There would be no intimacy in a relationship like that...period!
This series of messages will help you understand the danger of replacing real-live relationship building with the superficial social networking apps used on all the hi-tech electronic equipment. There can be no substitute for real relationships. Do you crave for real genuine relationships in your family and circle of friends? Then, this series will help you rediscover the means to building authentic and real relationships.
God became one of us, so we could experience Him and have a real-life relationship with Him. God is all about relationships and so should we. Come and discover the value of real relationships.
May 12, 2013 The Facebook Family - Notes - Powerpoint - Bulletin
May 19, 2013 Relationships That Last - Notes - Powerpoint - Bulletin
May 26, 2013 The Value Of Real Relationships
June 2, 3013 Knowing God As Father
June 9, 3013 Banned From Facebook
June 16, 2013 Won't You Friend Me? - Bulletin